Make a Winning Offer on Your

Next Home in Dane County

You’ve heard how hot the Dane County market is right now. Sellers are fielding multiple offers within just hours of listing…

...and from fruit baskets to promises of first-born naming rights, buyers are pulling out all the stops to get their offer noticed!

You can’t rely on Internet search engines like Zillow or Trulia. They just can’t keep up with the market, so the listings are often outdated.

You’ve got to have a solid strategy, an attractive offer, and up-to-the-minute listing info to win the home your family loves (though a mini-muffin basket can’t hurt!)

We will manually setup a custom MLS Search for you (no strings attached) to get you the Agent's view of up-to-the-minute listings based on your criteria!

Obsessively refreshing Zillow or

Most of those houses are already sold before you even see them!

Click here to request your custom MLS search and know the second your family’s next home hits the market.

Buying A Home Doesn't Have to Feel Like A Game of Survivor

With high competition and low inventory, buying in today’s market is incredibly competitive. You’ve got to be willing to outwit, outplay, and outlast the other buyers to get your hands on the home you want.

That’s where Strategic Real Estate Experts come in.

Not only do we make sure you’re not voted off the island…

...we make sure you have the right skills, the right alliances, and the right strategies to win the battle of multiple offers.

No matter how you define family, we believe in giving you the straight-forward advice we'd give to anyone we love.

Make the Best Offer on a home you can invest in with confidence

Your home is most likely the biggest investment you’ll don’t settle for a home that’s just “okay.” Our Strategic 7 process ensures that the investment you’re making is the right one - one that you won’t regret a few years down the road.

7 Strategic Keys To a winning offer on a home in dane county that your family will love

The market today is completely different for buyers than it used to be. Get the competitive advantage. This quick read shows you the keys to a winning offer on a home that your family will love -- rather than settling for something average.

Enjoy The Experience OF SELLING YOUR HOme



I was born and raised right here in Madison... brought up with good old fashioned family values that I built into my businesses: Strategic Real Estate Experts & Sanctified Homes & Construction.

I've been in real estate 24 years...and I've witnessed first-hand how overwhelming and confusing selling a home can be for most people. I'm on a mission to change that.

Ready to have an advantage over Zillow and find the right house for your family?

Let’s get you set up with a custom MLS search so you are in control of your home search - and not stuck with the Zillow leftovers that nobody wants.

Click here to get your Custom MLS Search !

Copyright Strategic Real Estate Experts + Sanctified Homes & Construction. Designed with ❤️ by Kismet Ideas.